35+ Singles in Adelaide!
Find out what's on!
Ph Gareth on 0409431266. Email gareth@garethevents.info
Brian & Deralee at Helen's NYE party
Gentlemen guests at Richard's animal charity fundraiser party
Party mode at Richard's animal charity fundraiser party
Enjoying the day
Pretty in pink
Steve livens the party up
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Rock & Roll With Gareth
West Lakes Tennis Club
21 Edwin Street, West Lakes
Wednesday Nights
7.30 PM.
Rock & Roll Dance Lessons. Cost $5. Learn Gareth's light-arm style of Rock 'n' Roll.
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This is a list of dates and venues where our favourite bands will be performing. It is presumed accurate at the time of compilation. Changes and innacuracies will occur. You should check the accuracy of these details with the band and/or venue before relying on any of this information. No responsibility for any loss due to this information can be accepted.
'DC' = Door Charge. 'RTV' = "Refer To Venue"